Girls Like Us

It has been a longstanding wish to expand Girls Like Us beyond the editorial team, to use this platform for different voices and disciplines and to experiment with pushing the publication to another plateau. Horizontally — not vertically. When New York-based artist and writer Emma Hedditch approached us in fall of 2016 to work together on a special issue themed around DANCE & DANCING, the opportunity for this expansion arose. DANCE AND DANCING explores the New York dance scene – past, present and future.

Featuring: Mariana ValenciaCynthia OliverMarlies YearbyLaurie CarlosChrysa Parkinsondevynn emorythe skeleton architectureDiscwomanSvetlana KittoJonah GroeneboerDona Ann McAdamsLydia OkrentKim Brandtkara lynchEffie BowenMary ManningResLeah GilliamAmelia BandeLuciana AchugarEmily WexlerAyo Janeen JacksonSuzan D. PolatMina NishimuraUrsula EaglyEmmakate GeisdorfAngie PittmanLerato KhathiYvonne Meier and Aunts.